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Two Dots 10th Birthday: A Decade of Dots

10th Birthday

This month, Two Dots is celebrating its 10th anniversary! To honor such a special occasion in grand style, players will enjoy a festive aesthetic and our most beloved Dots dressed in their most elegant attire.

As Masters of Ceremony at the Two Dots 10th Year Gala, Emily and Uncle Jack will invite players to explore special events across the game.

Take a look at what we have planned for this special month.

Two Dots 10th Birthday - A Decade of Dots
10th Year Gala Decorations

The entire game has been decked out in the most glamorous finery imaginable, from the home screen to what our lovely characters are wearing. It’s a once-in-10-years party, after all!

Scavenger Hunt in Barcelona and Rewinds

From the majestic Sagrada Familia to the effervescent Barceloneta beach, join us on this month’s special Scavenger Hunt, Beloved Barcelona! Spoiler: a beautiful reward awaits you at the final destination.

Also, get ready to explore some of your favorite Scavenger Hunt Rewinds transformed for this big occasion.

10th Year Gala Treasure Hunt

Walk the red carpet at the perfect gala event along with Emily and Uncle Jack. We’re hunting for the shiniest treasure ever! Don’t forget to dress up, though—Our Masters of Ceremony have cleaned up nicely.

Two Dots 10th Birthday Flip
Birthday Flips

Two festive Flips will take players through the most special moments of the Gala, flipping golden tiles that get prettier and prettier with each win!

Two Dots 10th Birthday - Adria
Special mini games and content in our channels!

Not following Two Dots on social media yet? Start today, and you’ll get to participate in fun birthday mini-games with the chance of winning some very special Power ups to level up your gameplay!

You’ll also get fresh content announcing firsthand when all these exclusive events go live and are available to play.

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And don’t forget: login everyday to claim incredible gifts!